Hot Chocolate

October 16, 2021

What gives the holiday season it’s irresistible and unarguable glow? We hasten to think that it’s the extravagant gifts, fabulous parties, and abundant displays of holiday bakes that constantly laden our tables. Although there can be pure joy found in these experiences, we at Erbe tend to believe that the enduring nature of the holiday spirit is found in a humbler and more overlooked corner of the experience of the season. For us, the holidays give us permission to experience the everyday in an extraordinary way. As kids this was easy for us to do because we weren’t overwhelmed with the concerns of everyday adult life and were more easily able to experience the holidays for what they are. As we grow up, we remember those days so fondly not because of the substance of the presents under the tree, as we suspect that most of us can’t even remember 5 presents we received as kids, but those days are full of joy because of the sheer potential for magic in the simplest of things. 

Now as adults we might not be able to recreate the anticipation of Christmas morning, but we can bring some of that glow back into our lives by allowing the full attention of the little things. Giving ourselves permission to enjoy the twinkling of Christmas lights, the satisfaction of throwing a log on the fire, or even just watching a holiday movie without checking tomorrow’s weather brings a pure presence to the holiday season that allows us to carve out some of that childlike magic in the midst of standing in line at the post office. This presence allows for even the smallest of actions to feel special in a way we may not have experienced since we were kids. For example, Hot Chocolate. Something as ubiquitous as hot chocolate can easily be treated as a store-bought side dish to a well composed dessert or something just for the kids. We argue this is a wonder all on its own. 

The making and drinking of homemade hot chocolate is an experience all onto its own. We of course have deep nostalgia for foil packet of hot chocolate mix and the never-ending process of mixing it into boiling water to only partially succeed in dissolving the clumps but make your own at home and you will be convinced. The best part of this process it is relatively quick and easily adjusted to adult tastes. We personally like to flavor ours to give a more complex taste without changing the drink to something else altogether. Our favorite versions are made by adding a touch of peppermint extract or orange zest to the base which is inspired by an Ina Garten recipe. Something both kids and adults will love. This also leaves plenty of options for toppings from classic slightly sweetened whipped cream to home made marshmallows. You can also add some unconventional toppings such as chocolate crisp pearls which add an unexpected crunch to the drink. No matter your preference, we suggest making and drinking this dish on its own and you will understand that the holiday magic is found in this cup. 

Flavored Hot Chocolate

Makes around 4 servings


3 Cups Whole Milk

1 Cup Heavy Cream

4 Ounces Bittersweet Chocolate

4 Ounces Milk Chocolate

1 Tablespoon Granulated Sugar

1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract

Pinch of salt

2 tsp Peppermint Extract or 1 Large Orange Zested*


  1. Add the milk and cream into a heavy bottomed saucepan. If you are making the orange hot chocolate, add the zest at this point. Scald the milk mixture over medium heat stirring regularly with a rubber spatula to prevent the milk from burning at the bottom of the pan. While the milk is heating up, chop your chocolate.

  2. Once there are noticeable bubbles at the edge of the pan, turn the burner off and add the chopped chocolate. Use a whisk to gently melt the chocolate into the milk mixture. When combined, add the sugar, vanilla, and salt. If you are going to make the peppermint version, add the peppermint extract now. 

  3. If you find that the mixture has cooled down too much, place back on the stove on low and reheat to desired temperature. If you are making the orange version, once warmed pass the hot chocolate mixture through a fine sieve or cheese cloth to remove the zest. By this time the drink will be well flavored, and you don’t want the pieces of zest to disrupt the texture. Serve warm with favorite toppings. 

*These amounts can be adjusted to your particular taste. These amounts should produce a flavor that is distinct but not overwhelming. 


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