Late Summer Corn Salad

September 24, 2021

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Summer seems to drag on where we are from. While people in more forgiving climates start commenting on the days feeling like fall, we start checking the weather like we are tracking a package (sometimes for weeks) for the heat to break and cooler weather to come. I used to get frustrated by the short-sleeved trips to the pumpkin patch or running the air conditioning on high in my car while looking at the leaves change colors because by the time we got to October, we have endured months of 90+ degree days. Although the relationship with this time of year is still somewhat tenuous, we do our best to find the positives and take advantage of some of the enduring aspects of summer. 

One of the enduring qualities of stretched out warm days for us and the early days of fall for others is the time spent outdoors. Especially before the rains or snows start, we take advantage of the mild weather by grilling and eating dinner under the setting sun. One of our most favorite transition time recipes is our corn salad. Here we are lucky enough to have fresh corn into the first days of fall, but this recipe can easily be made with frozen if you can’t find fresh summer corn. This corn salad is the perfect balance of savory, smokey, spicey, tart, and sweet. It pairs perfectly with any other main you can throw on the grill and is so easy, the whole thing can be made in minutes on your patio. So, whether you are lucky enough to be throwing on a sweater these days or still having to shutter your house from the heat like us, this salad is a perfect transition time dish to add to your recipe catalog.

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8 Ears of Fresh Corn on the Cob (or two bags of frozen)

1 Large Heirloom Tomato diced into small cubes

½ Cup Red Onion (1 small or ½ of a large onion) finely diced

1 Orange Bell Pepper diced

1 15oz. Can Black Beans drained and rinsed

2 Jalapeños 

1 Large Avocado 

1 Lime 

Salt and Pepper


  1. If using fresh corn, clean the corn of all husks and hair. Then place on a grill dry and allow to cook until charred turning every couple of minutes once they begin to change color. This can be done under a broiler or on a grill pan on the stove if you don’t have an outdoor grill. If using frozen corn, allow to thaw and put in a pan to dry roast until toasted. 

  2. Once all the ears of corn are lightly charred, remove from the grill and allow to cool enough to handle. Standing the corn on its end, cut the kernels from the cob and put into a bowl. Add your tomato, red onion, black beans, and bell pepper. Mix to combine. Then finely chop your jalapeños, removing the seeds and membrane from one of the peppers. If you would like it less spicy, remove the seeds and membrane from both. Add to the bowl. Add 1 tsp salt and pepper to taste. Mix gently to combine. 

  3. Once your base is mixed, dice your avocado and add to the mixture along with the juice of one lime. Mix gently to combine so as to not smash the avocado. Taste and add additional seasoning if necessary. Serve room temperature or cold. 


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